Biblical Mission
Ivory Coast
In Haiti
Needs and people
in Haiti
Some pictures
Some videos
To subsribe or ask
information :

Let us sing, pray
the Lord!

Children also...

... need our

Development aid
help with agriculture.

Partner of the Biblical Mission since 1927:

of Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast is a West Africa country
with a surface of 322 462 Km², limited to the south by the
Atlantic Ocean, north by Burkina Faso and Mali, to the east
by Ghana, the west by Liberia and Guinea. Country with agricultural
vocation, Ivory Coast draws its richness from the ground.
It account 14 million inhabitants. Abidjan, the economic
capital, counts 3 million inhabitants. On the religious
level, Ivory Coast is divided between Christianity, Islam
and the animism. Christianity mobilizes approximately 40
% of the population. The dominant Christian religions are
Catholicism, the methodists, the évangéliques ones: Baptists,
assemblies of God, etc.
Union of the
Churches Evangéliques Services and Oeuvres:
Protestant said evangelic Churches were born from
a work of evangelization achieved by the Biblical
Mission, in Ivory Coast since 1927. The Union of the
Churches Evangéliques Services and Oeuvres includes/understands
14 areas, with autonomous assemblies, divided on all
the own territory. These 12 areas manage more than
1000 places of worship, gathering 70 000 faithful.
132 pastors bring teaching to faithful and the 24
000 baptized.
Works of the UEESO:
One understands by work, any establishment or any
other formation created or asset by the Union, or
whose management is entrusted to him and who has at
least two of the four following goals:
a. to spread the Word of God,
B to contribute to the spiritual growth of the Christians,
C to support materially or financially Union or Churches
in their missions,
D. to contribute to the social wellbeing of the Christians
and the populations.
Doctrinal base:
The Churches of the UEESO adopted the confession of
faith of the Churches Baptists of French language.
1. The Biblical
ant Theologic Institute of Man :
in 1957, the Biblical Institute of Man is with the
service of the Church for the training of the servants
and maidservants of God. It is a work of the UEESO-Cl
on which it entirely depends. But there remains open
and receives students (be) external with the UEESO.
It is located at Man (ZLANWOPLEU). The Institute with
a capacity of reception of more than 30 students.
The courses are spread out over 3 years. These students
are framed by professors of the Ivory Coast members
of the UEESO and teachers missionaries the access
to the IB of man is opened to any committed Christian
who has the vocation to serve God full-time. But the
entry is subjected to the financial constraints due
to the increase in the cost of living in Ivory Coast.
For an unmarried student, the school fees rise to
375 000 F.CFA and for the married students, these
expenses are of 530 000 F.CFA. So that certain local
churches do not manage to honour the school fees of
their students and the latter give up their schooling
as from the 2nd quarter. This situation worsens because
of the financial weight reserved for the local churches
and areas for the training of their students sent
to the IB of Man in more of the allowances of the
servants of God employed full-time. These costs are
thus increasingly heavy to support by the churches
of the Union.
2. The pouponnière:
The purpose of this work for the babies in difficulty
is founded since 1947 in Man. It is of: a. to have a
testimony of love, B to emphasize the life. It takes
care and education to these children during a few years
before turning over in their family. The pouponnière
is recognized officially by the Ministry in charge of
the social affairs. |
3. The secondary college protesting of Daloa:
The secondary college protesting of Daloa was founded
in 1947. The Secondary Course Protesting (CSP) or
College Jean Calvin de Daloa is work of UEESO-Cl.
It is a private establishment of general education
of the second degree. The College into force applies
the official program in the country. The college has
a manpower of 1000 pupils registered regularly of
6th with the final one. We make a point of thanking,
for this college, the Biblical Mission which sent
teaching co-operators to us who also work in finances
and which enabled us to ensure a good management.
4. Primary schools:
The primary schools, among works create by UEESO-Cl
take part in the evangelization, education and contribute
to the effort of socio-economic, moral and spiritual
development of Ivory Coast.
5. The center of health of the UEESO:
The mission of the conference Baptist built with the
assistance of the Biblical Mission a Community center
of health in the commune of Abobo (Abidjan) on a ground
of 4000 m². This center has the role to ensure the
primary care of health by as much as possible bringing
them closer the stripped populations. This work is
carried out while évangélisant and while building
by the action. The center is composed of an administrative
block, a maternity, a dispensary and a forming shop.
The person in charge for this work is Doctor Claude
Akakpo. The cost of construction is 100 million F.CFA.
The participation of the UEESO is 10 million F.CFA.
This work comes at the right moment named according
to the grace from God to relieve our faithful of Abidjan.
6. Service of rural animation (SAR):
The service of rural animation or SAR of the UEESO
is established in Danané since 1983. It wants to bring
to the Christians food self-sufficiency. One realizes
- the poultry breeding of local and métissées races,
- the plantation of hundred grafted or selected fruit
- culture of truck farms,
- sessions of sensitizing and formation in the villages
as regards hygiene, of mother and infant welfare and
7. Engineering department of the Evangéliques Churches
of Ivory Coast: SERTEECI:
It is the first workshop of joinery which began its
work in 1965. Today this service also makes mechanics
car. It is occupied of assistance but the training
of young people, also the Churches in the construction
of the houses (doors, windows, frames, etc.) and the
repair of the vehicles. The SERTEECI is located on
the station of the UEESO at Daloa.
8. The biblical center of formation of Sassandra:
This center has the role to train and recycle the
committed Christians and the preachers in the Word
of God. The program of the matters and the courses
is similar to that of the biblical schools. It is
per (3) three months period of formation that the
courses are exempted for the preachers and (2) two
weeks for the civils servant.
9. Maidservants of Béthanie:
Movement of all the women of the UEESO. |
10. Disciples of Emmaüs:
Movement of all the youth of the UEESO